The City Alo Amex Credit Card

Getting your hands on The City Alo American Express Credit Card is easy. Just visit The City Bank website or visit your nearest branch to complete the application process. 

Provide the required documentation including proof of identification, income and address. Once approved, your card will be delivered to your registered address!

The City Alo American Express Credit Card is available to individuals who meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Age: Applicant must be at least 21 years of age.
  • Nationality: The card is available to Bangladeshi citizens and residents.
  • Income: Applicants must have a stable source of income to meet credit card requirements.
  • Credit History: A good credit history and credit score is generally preferred.

Why Choose The City Alo American Express Credit Card:

The City Alo American Express Credit Card combines rewards points, travel benefits, convenience and exceptional customer service, making it the ideal choice for individuals looking for a credit card that truly enhances their lifestyle. 

Get the most out of your credit card by earning rewards points and enjoy the peace of mind of knowing you have a reliable financial partner by your side!