The minimum eligibility requirements are:
- Have the civil majority
- Be a resident citizen of Bangladesh
- Possess legally verifiable income
The documents to be submitted are:
- Official identification document
- Proof of address
- An employment contract or paycheck proving income
Remembering that each process is unique, Dutch-Bangla reserves the right to request new data and additional documents to finalize its analysis. Pay attention to the media registered with the Dutch-Bangla so you don’t miss any deadlines!
How to apply to DDBL Visa Platinum?
On the bank’s website, you should access the credit card page offered by Dutch-Bangla.
Fill in the application form online or download the form in PDF and fill in all your personal details.
Attach required documents such as proof of income and residency, copy of NID, or passport as per the instructions provided. It will be necessary to send the completed form with a copy of the documents, sending it by email, post, or delivery to a Dutch-Bangla agency.
It is important to consult the bank’s official website to update the information, as the card offer dynamics can be changed at any time.
What fees apply to the use of the credit card DDBL Visa Platinum?
- Annual card usage fee of BDT 40,000
- Balance withdrawal fee: local currency is calculated at 3% of the amount or a maximum of BDT 100, in foreign currency it is 3% of the amount without a cap
- Minimum payment of 5% of the total invoice amount
Final considerations: DDBL Visa Platinum
It is a super complete card in terms of benefits, and insurance and with a very good limit available for use.
Fees are consistent with the profile of the consumer who will have access to the card and are easily refundable with the use of benefits.
See more information about the DDBL Visa Platinum access the card page and start the application process to identify if there is a DDBL Visa Platinum waiting for you!