EBL Visa Women Platinum

The benefits of EBL Visa Women Platinum are:

  • Specially designed for women
  • Simple revolving loan
  • Free lifetime one-time fee for under 18 transactions
  • Global Currency Usage Privileges Along with Local Currency
  • Maximum term of up to 45 days without interest*
  • Free first-card checkbook
  • Instant Cash Advance Facility
  • Automatic debit facility
  • Access to lounges and VIP rooms worldwide

Why did we recommend you or EBL Visa Women Platinum?

The EBL Visa Women Platinum Credit Card is a financial product offered by Eastern Bank Limited (EBL), one of the largest private banks in Bangladesh. As the name suggests, this credit card is specifically aimed at women and offers an array of unique benefits and features to suit your financial needs.

Offering women-only credit cards in Bangladesh can be seen as an attempt to address the specific financial needs of women and promote financial inclusion in the country.

With this offer, banks help increase women’s participation in the economy and facilitate their access to financial services, encouraging financial independence and decision-making. In addition, these cards can offer additional benefits that meet women’s specific needs, such as discounts on purchases of feminine products, access to exclusive health or safety services, and protection against financial fraud. All of this is to help promote gender equality and financial inclusion for women in Bangladesh.

Author’s opinion

According to World Bank data, the female labor force participation rate in Bangladesh is relatively low, at around 36%, compared to the global average of around 47%. Furthermore, women often face additional challenges in accessing financial services, including gender discrimination, lack of resources, and limited access to financial technologies.

The EBL’s attitude is commendable and should be celebrated by the women of Bangladesh.

A tip for your pocket

If you still don’t know how to use a credit card, start using it based on healthy practices so as not to compromise your budget.

Ideally, your credit limit should not exceed 40% of your monthly income, so that you can keep payments up to date and avoid creating credit debts.

Credit debts grow exponentially and are very difficult to negotiate.

Take care of your credit history!

Now that you know a little more about the EBL Visa Women Platinum, learn how to apply for the card.