Visa Gold Dual

If you have an account at any Midland Bank branch, you have the option of paying your monthly credit card bill either the minimum amount or the full amount due directly through your bank account.

You also have instant payment, where in you can pay your credit card bill through MDB online.

What are the requirements to acquire your credit card Midland Bank Visa Gold Dual?

  • Have nationalityBangladesh
  • Be between 18 years old and 60 years old
  • Minimum Gross Income of Tk. 20.000 seconds salaried person
  • Minimum Gross Income ofTk. 50,000 with Mr Business thing

What are the documents to acquire your credit card Midland Bank Visa Gold Dual?

  • Completed application form
  • Copy of valid NID/passport
  • Document related to e-TIN
  • color photography
  • Bank statement for the last 6 months

Additional documents can be requested.

What are the credit card fees Midland Bank Visa Gold Dual?

You don’t need to pay the annual fee if you make 15 transactions or use BDT.50,000/- de (ATM/POS) in one year.

A tip for you!

If you have a credit card from other banks,you have the option of transferring your current outstanding balance at a much lower interest rate to your credit cardMidland Bank Visa Gold Dual. 

This saves you time and money by allowing you to conveniently manage all your expenses from one card account. The balance transfer interest rate is 20% per annum.

Enjoy credit card benefitsMidland Bank Visa Gold Dual and think it suits you? So click now on the button.