Jamuna Bank Salary Loan

✓ Loan can be used for any lawful purpose;

✓ Loan Size: Minimum Tk.1 -Lac -Maximum Tk.15 – Lac only (Or,15-times of Take home salary, whichever is lower) .

✓ Loan period of up to 5 years.

Why does the UTUA Team recommend the Jamuna Bank Salary Loan?

The UTUA Team recommends the Jamuna Bank Salary Loan for those customers looking for a multipurpose loan. That includes emergency medical needs, paying for vacation, paying for educational needs, and many more.

The Jamuna Bank Salary Loan is destined for customers with sufficient net cash flow to deposit the installments regularly. It is important to mention that the bank determines the rate of interest and it can vary from time to time.

I am Interested in The Jamuna Bank Salary Loan

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